Zurich Mobile Motion Film Festival
Mobile Motion Film Festival, a showcase for short films shot only on mobile technology, such as smartphones or tablets. The event is the brainchild of Swiss cinema enthusiast, Andrea Holle, who wanted to create a festival which would provide a level playing field for filmmakers, where talent, creativity and hard work counts more than budget and industry connections.
Believing that anybody with a thought-provoking concept or a touching story can make a great film, the festival showcase new talent using a tool so simple and readily available that it’s often overlooked: the mobile phone.
Digital filmmaking technology gets cheaper every year, opening opportunities for budding auteurs with limited resources. Filmmaking tools that are cheap, simple and widely available (coupled with the collective knowledge of the internet) are driving fresh, unique and open approaches to cinema.
The festival is aiming to be at the forefront of this new wave of filmmakers with new platform – the Mobile Motion Film Festival. The festival provides a level playing field for filmmakers, where talent, creativity and hard work counts more than budget and industry connections.
Mobile Motion Film Festival
One of the most interesting and exciting events from around the world.” ~ BBC World News